Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Insect Bites and Urgent Care: What You Should Know About Black Flies

"Seeing flies on your food is disgusting enough; what more if they suck the blood out of you? You heard it right. Not all flies just buzz around, cowardly waiting for a chance to land on your food. Some actually bite and feed on the blood of both humans and animals. One such species that inhabit Spokane’s running streams and rivers are black flies. Black flies typically target the area around the eyes, scalp, and ears, and sometimes exposed arms and legs. According to the Spokane Regional Health District, these parasites tend to crawl into sleeves, neckbands, boot tops, and other areas, particularly the head beneath a hat. In order to suck blood, the black fly (female only) cuts a hole in the skin and injects an anti-coagulant for a smooth feeding. The bites are painful, itchy, and can cause swelling for many days, in which case visiting your local urgent care center in Spokane Valley may provide you relief."