Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Spokane Valley Urgent Care Provider on Managing Heartburn Episodes

Fortunately, heartburn is generally not considered an emergency, and most people can simply take over-the-counter medications to relieve their discomfort. There are also some things you can do to mitigate or avoid episodes altogether. These include eating more slowly, practicing portion control (no overeating), having dinner at least three hours before bedtime, and raising the top of your bed so your head and chest are higher than your feet. Of course, there are situations when home care will no longer suffice and visiting a Spokane Valley urgent care center becomes necessary. For example, if your symptoms don’t disappear after two weeks of medication, or if the medications you take do little to ease your pain, be sure to see a health professional. You’ll also need medical attention if you experience symptoms like chronic coughing or difficulty swallowing solid food, or if the heartburn aggravates your asthma attacks.